Top 4 Causes Of Household Water Leaks

Professional Water Leak Repairs In Hilton Head SC

Many people have experienced water leaks in their homes. Although the leaks are usually small, they can significantly increase your water bills. There is no point in conserving leaking water for other uses. You will have lost hundreds of gallons, thus incurring huge bills. Any leakage requires fixing immediately.

Are you experiencing any water leakage in your home? BroadRiver Plumbing offers advanced water leak repairs in Bluffton and Hilton Head, SC. We provide prompt and quality repairs to all sources of water leaks in your home. 

The Top Causes Of Household Water Leaks 

  1. Ceiling

Things like a leaking ceiling cause a wet floor. Roofs with dents allow water inside your house, so you need to check it. Your ceiling might have water leaks because of a hole in your roof. Check the color of the water to determine the source of the leak. Freshwater most likely comes from issues with pipes in your ceiling. But old water is sourced from your roof by rainwater.

  1. Kitchen

Your kitchen is a common culprit for water leaks as a result of faulty faucets and pipes. It’s best that you identify signs of water leaks in your kitchen cabinets. Check the plumbing line and pipes around your wardrobe to see if they are soaked. You will need a professional plumber to sort any leakages in your kitchen due to the dangers posed by electrical appliances.

  1. Bathroom

The bathroom is another common area for water leaks. This is where most washing takes place; hence, leaky faucets and broken showers aren’t a new thing. However, noticing such may be impossible since the bathroom is always wet. Be keen on any sign of flooding, such as a soaked tub hours after using it.

  1. Bedroom

Your bedroom can also suffer water leaks due to dripping AC. Although it may seem like a small amount, it can damage your floor, thus incurring expensive repairs. It is even dangerous when leaking causes your humidifier to flood or catch fire.

People Also Ask

What  Causes A Water Pipe To Leak?

Water pipe leak is caused by:

  1. High water pressure 

High water pressure is harmful to the mileage on your lines. Water dashing through your pipes at high speeds builds the danger of your lines blasting. 

  1. Temperature changes 

Extreme changes in temperature (for the most part from chilly climate) can make pipes break and start spilling.

How Do I Find Out Where My Water Is Leaking?

Here are some of the approaches to find hidden water leaks :

  • Turn off all faucets or water sources in your house, then see if the meter is still changing. 
  • Monitor your water bill.
  • Check the outside faucets too.

What To Do If There Is  A  Water  Leak  In Your Home?

When you have a water leak immediately, turn off the water at home. Locate your water meter and turn off the water to prevent any more flooding than what has already occurred. If you cannot turn off the water by yourself, contact a plumber immediately to help you turn it off.

Never allow any water leakage in your home to go unfixed. Get professional help immediately to avoid spending much on future repairs and substantial water bills. Water leakages can cause severe damages to your property beyond your power to repair. It can also cause safety and hygiene issues by creating breeding grounds for harmful bacteria.

BroadRiver Plumbing, servicing water leak repairs in Hilton Head, SC, will quickly respond to your needs. Our professional staff acts swiftly, identifies any water leakage sources in your home, and sorts the problem with ease. You don’t have to suffer water leakage consequences with our professional team around.

BroadRiver Plumbing
3047 Argent Blvd Unit #8, Ridgeland, SC 29936