Do You Recognize The Top 5 Signs That Your Toilet Needs Repair?

Toilets are long-lasting, but just like any other home fixtures, they are expected to wear out eventually. When you start noticing some weird signs with your bathroom, it could be time to upgrade it. A malfunctioning toilet can disrupt your life and may require the toilet repair services of a professional plumber.

Therefore, it is essential to identify any factors or signs that may indicate a poor state of your toilet. For more info, get in touch with us today! 

Top 5 Common Signs Indicating Your Toilet Needs Repair

1. Water Dripping Into The Bowl

Is your toilet suddenly sounding like someone is flushing it? A toilet that lacks control and releases water anyhow signals a problem. Sometimes it may run intermittently or start and stop by itself. These problems can be referred to as phantom flush, according to plumbers. In phantom flush, you will notice slow water dripping into the bowl.  The slow leaks come from the tank into the pan. If you have these problems, check your flapper and flapper seat, which may require repair if worn out.

2. Babbling Sounds

Gurgling or suctioning sounds upon flushing your toilet mostly comes from other parts of your bathroom. The noise could be coming from the sink or shower. The suspected cause for this noise is usually some blockages in the drainage vents. When vents are blocked, gases supposed to be released will backfire to other fixtures hence the sounds. Numerous toilet repair parts can help sort the drainage issues before it escalates. These parts will help sort out most of your toilet problems discussed in this article.

 3. Endless Blockage

Many clogs in the bathroom are not a cause for concern since you can fix them with a plunger. But you may need a plumber to check the issue if the clog doesn’t seem to go away even after using a plunger. There could be severe blockage from toilet parts that only a skilled plumber can repair.  

4. Flush Not Working 

A proper functioning toilet requires one flush to get the job done. But if you find yourself frequently flushing, there must be some fault somewhere. It wastes water and incurs enormous bills. Clogged water jets can cause flushing issues. But the most common one is usually low water pressure. These problems need professional help to detect the primary cause of the issue.

5. Toilet Leaks

There is nothing as offensive as a leaking toilet. It is a severe issue that requires urgent action. It means a severe malfunction of your bathroom to the extent of leaking water, creating a mold environment, and more structural damage. Mostly the issue is caused by a broken seal causing water to form near the base of the toilet. It may need immediate replacement since there could be cracks in the porcelain.

There is no critical place in your house than your toilet. It plays a significant role in the plumbing system. You don’t want to disrupt your life with issues like toilet leaks. It is why you need to check for any malfunctions that may require professional repairs. The above-discussed signs will guide you into knowing if your toilet needs immediate repairs.

People Also Ask

Can You Fix A Toilet Fill Valve?

It is effortless to fix a fill valve. Basically, you just have to replace the entire fill valve. There are even some fill valve units that only require you to replace a seal.

How Long Does A Toilet Fill Valve Last?

A toilet fill valve should last more than three years.

How Often Should Toilet Parts Be Replaced?

  1. Handle: While there is no particular period that requires you to replace your handle, you ought to replace it regularly. On the off chance that it breaks, you need to wiggle it to prevent the water from running out.
  2. Flappers, trip switches, fill valves, fittings, and plumbing associations: 4-5 years. 
  3. Wax seals: 20-30 years

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Toilet?

The life expectancy of a toilet is 10 to 15 years. However, the life span of toilet seats has declined with the substitution of plastic for metal jolts.

Are you looking for a good toilet plumbing company to fix your toilet issues? Look no further! Be it toilet repairs or stoppages, our experienced group of professionals will find the best way to attend to your customized requirements. 

BroadRiver Plumbing
3047 Argent Blvd Unit #8, Ridgeland, SC 29936