Tips To Prevent Sewer And Drain Clogging

Sewer Stoppages Bluffton SC

Sewer and drain clogs are usually caused by tree roots, food waste, or paper products. When these types of debris get in the way, a buildup leads to leaks if left untreated for too long. The only solution is to clean sewer drain occasionally or call a plumber near you. Don’t let a clogged sewer drain or pipe ruin your day. If you’re near Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Beaufort, SC, call BroadRiver Plumbing for prompt and quality plumbing services in the comfort of your home!

Below are the things you can do to maintain your home’s sewer drain and keep it from clogging. Read on to find out!

1. Slow Drainage

Grease can restrict your drainage pipes and lead to clogs. Before washing cookware, remove as much of the fat or oil from them to prevent going down the drain.

2. Regularly Clean Your Drain

The most important thing you can do to keep your drains clear is cleaning once a month. There are many different cleaners available, but it’s best to use one of the products instead of the harsh chemicals. Cleaning products better suit pipes and your health than dangerous chemicals like bleach or ammonia, linked with multiple environmental damages, including groundwater pollution and fish kills.

3. Flushing Your Kitchen Drain With Hot Water After Washing Utensils

Even if your utensils look clean after washing them with soap and hot soapy water, there are still little blobs of grease that stick to the walls of the pipe while it’s on its way out into the sewage system. Avoid having this residue attach itself by flushing steaming-hot tap water down your drain for about 20 seconds before starting a new load of dirty dishes. It will loosen any oil or fat from sticking to pipe walls and eliminate bacteria that wash off utensils where harmful chemicals are found, such as chlorine bleach.

4. Sewer Drain Inspection

It is essential to have your plumbing maintained regularly. Regular inspections will help remove any clogs in the sewer or drainage lines and prevent damage from occurring, saving you repair costs later down the line when problems arise. Checking for leaks can also keep them at bay before they become significant issues that cause stench around your home due to sewage seeping out of pipes.

The best way to avoid costly damages by having an experienced plumber regularly maintain their sewers includes doing routine checks and rectifying potential problem areas before it worsens.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Do You Know Your Main Drain Is Clogged?

Here are the signs of a clogged sewer line:

  1. Toilet bubbles and gurgles.
  2. After flushing the toilet, water backs up.
  3. The drain is running up slowly.
  • How Long Do Sewer Lines Last?

The life span of your sewer depends on your line’s material. Cast iron lines last between 75 to 100 years,  concrete tubes last as long as 100 years, and PVC lines can last more than 100 years.

  • How Do You Get A Sewer Drain Estimate?

To get a sewer drain estimate, please call us at 843-271-6336, and one of our receptionists will direct your inquiry to an estimator who can then set up the appointment with you.

Sewer and drain repair doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It can, in fact, also be relatively easy for those who know what they’re doing with it – which is why BroadRiver Plumbing offers excellent service! Do not hesitate any longer to seek out our plumbing services because we are the best of the bunch when it comes down to that; you will get your drains fixed today if you visit or contact us!

BroadRiver Plumbing
 3047 Argent Blvd Unit #8, Ridgeland, SC 29936