4 Signs You Need Sewer Repair

Main House Sewer stoppages Repair in Bluffton SC

Plumbing is an essential system in your home. Consistently, you drain and use the sewer system on a daily basis. Since a more significant part of your sewer is underground, it tends to be difficult to tell when there’s an issue. If you recognize unfamiliar problems with your sewer, then you need to call for a plumber.

BroadRiver Plumbing has been at the forefront of sewer repair services in Bluffton, Beaufort, and Hilton Head for over 15 years. We have a wide range of skilled and service-oriented employees to cater to all your sewer repair services. 

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Warning Signs You Need Sewer Repair

Here are some significant signs which indicate you need professional sewer repair:

1. Slow Drainage

It is a sign of a blockage in the sewer lines. If not repaired in time, the backup will lead to sewer back up in your toilet, sink, and bathtub. It is important to note that using chemical cleaners to solve blockage is dangerous. These cause wear and tear on iron and PVC Pipes.

2. Cracks On Your Foundation Slab And Walls

It is an extreme sign of severe damage to your sewer lines. It is mainly caused by leaks on the main sewer line under the foundation slab. If not repaired in good time, cracks will appear on your foundation and walls. It is a hazardous situation, and you should call the Sewer Repair specialist immediately.

3. Rodents Infestation

It might seem funny, but believe it or not, it’s a sign of sewer line problems. Generally, rats live in sewers, and if your sewer line is broken, they can squeeze into your house. That is not all; rodents pose health-threatening diseases such as hemorrhagic fever and plague. Video inspection is the best method to detect entry points of the rodents before repair.

4. Sewer Gas Odor And Mold Problems

All sanitary sewers are airtight everywhere apart from vent stacks at your roof. It means if you have a sewer smell in your house, there is a leak or crack in your sewer system. Get a professional to detect and repair your sewer system. Besides, mold growth on walls indicates sewer lines are leaking. Pine leaks increase humidity levels, which is the main precondition for mold growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Causes Sewer Line Failure?

Sewer line failure is caused by:

  1. Real roots on your property
  2. Sewer line old age
  3. Drainage obstruction
  • How Long Does It Take To Repair A Sewer Line?

It will take one to three days to have your sewer line repaired. For all your sewer line repair and replacement, contact BroadRiver Plumbing Services. 

  • How Often Should You Have Your Sewer Line Inspected?

Most specialists recommend having sewer lines assessed preceding buying or leasing another home to ensure that there are no issues the purchaser may have missed. Occasional cleaning of sewer lines can likewise help forestall obstructs and reinforcements in the sewer channels.

If you are experiencing sewer leaks, you probably need professional sewer repairs. Compromised sewer lines might be a significant risk to your health as well as your life. 

BroadRiver Plumbing offers reliable services when it comes to sewer repair and responds right away. Visit us for quality services!

BroadRiver Plumbing
712 Dawn St. Beaufort, SC 29906