Tips For Maintaining Bathtub Faucets

Plumbing Company in Bluffton, SC


Usually, we do not pay much attention to bathtub faucet maintenance until we start experiencing problems using them. Keeping your bathroom and kitchen faucets in good working order will save you time, trouble, and money in the long term. If you have recently installed a new valve in your home, maintaining it from the start will provide you with years of reliable service.

Tips For Maintaining Bathtub Faucet

Daily Maintenance

Day-to-day care and maintenance of faucet are essential for their durability. Usually, all you need to clean your drain is using a damp cloth and a slight cleanser drying with a soft piece of fabric. Keep in mind faucet’s finish whenever you are using cleansers. Make sure you read labels and directions to know the cleaning products to avoid damage to the delicate surfaces.

Clean And Remove Deposits

For those living in areas with hard water, they have additional cleaning challenges due to the high mineral content of hard water that leaves lime deposits on the faucets and fixtures. Window cleaner or a slight abrasive scrub use lime deposits as they are difficult to remove. The use of vinegar is the best option as it is more environmentally-friendly. In case you have particularly hardened deposits, use a specialized cleaner or lime dissolve, keeping in mind the faucet’s finish.

Clean Or Replace The Aerator

Aerators are also an essential feature in faucet maintenance, as it mixes water and air to ensure a smooth flow from the faucet. It is advisable to periodically clean the aerator once in a year to remove the mineral deposits and debris. Cleaning aerator is a simple task that requires to remove the aerator and to keep its parts for you remove them. If you are using hard water, soak the components in vinegar, and reinstall them. You can also buy a new aerator as they are inexpensive to replace the old one.

Understand The Warranties

Most homeowners focus on the appearance and mechanical aspects of their bathtub faucets. It is essential to check the warranties associated with the fixtures as some of them are limited and cover the manufacturer’s warranty. These warranties also cover defective finishes. Therefore, when you are planning on buying a new faucet, ensure you check on the warranty.

Other than regular cleaning and aerator maintenance, your bathtub faucets should be comparatively trouble-free. You should keep in mind other minor maintenance of small components like springs and seats, which are subject to normal wear and tear that needs replacement if you need to get faucet repair kits for your faucet model to help in repairing your bathtub faucet. 

People  Also Ask

How Do I Fix A Dripping  Bathtub Faucet?
Below is the procedure  of fixing a dripping bathtub faucet:
1. Stop the water source.
2. Pry off the handle embed.
3. Unscrew the handle screws.
4. Supplant the washer.
5. Supplant the handle.
6. Finally, turn on the water.

What Causes A leaky faucet?
The causes of a leaky  Faucet are:
*Destroyed o-ring in the cartridge.
*Break in the cartridge spigot.
*It has an eroded valve seat.
*Destroyed seals.
*Water pressure. 
*Broken parts of the bathtub.

How Much Does It Cost To Fix  A Leaky Faucet?
The cost of fixing a leaky  Faucet is 65 to 150 dollars. It depends on the nature and the reason for the hole in the bathtub.

How Long Do Faucets  Last?
Faucets usually last 15 to 20 years.

BroadRiver Plumbing is a topnotch plumbing company in Beaufort, SC. We professionally install and replace all your bathtub issues for you at affordable prices.

For years, we have put our clients’ satisfaction at the forefront of our service. We make sure that your plumbing needs receive timely priority care from our team of professionals. Get your bathtub  Faucet fixed today by the experts Best Plumbing Company in Bluffton Beaufort and Hilton Head!

BroadRiver Plumbing
3047 Argent Blvd Unit #8, Ridgeland, SC 29936