
Tankless Water Heater Upgrade

Tankless Water Heater Upgrade

Rather than heating and storing water in a tank, a tankless water heater heats only the amount of water that is needed at any one time. There are various advantages to this type of water heater over typical tank-style water heaters, which makes it a terrific choice for many homeowners.

Are you looking for a new water heater for your home? If this is the case, you may consider whether a tankless water heater upgrade is the best option for you. The popularity of upgrading to tankless water heaters has grown in recent years, and with good reason — they provide a variety of advantages that traditional water heaters cannot match. This blog post will go through four compelling arguments for why tankless water heaters are a good investment. Continue reading to find out more!

When it comes to water heaters, BroadRiver Plumbing provides upgrade services. We also handle all issues on tankless water heaters, including repairs and replacements, for our customers. Contact us now to know more about a tankless water heater upgrade!

Contact BroadRiver Plumbing at 843-271-6336 Today!

Why Upgrade To A Tankless Water Heater?

So, you’re on the fence about whether to go for that upgrade or not. In addition, you may be wondering exactly how these heaters work.

With tankless water heaters, the cold water is heated as it circulates through the system. Unlike traditional models, it does not save hot water for later use. Instead, the heating process begins after you’ve turned on the water and it’s on its way.

These devices are called “demand-type” or “instantaneous” water heaters. They run on either gas or electricity, depending on the model.

Below are four sure-fire reasons why you should go for a tankless water heater upgrade:

1. Unlimited Supply of Hot Water

The usual hot water tank has a capacity of 40 to 50 gallons. Showers can consume as much as 2.5 liters of water every minute. Knowing that, you can figure out how many five- or ten-minute showers you and your family can take before running out of hot water. 

Getting a tankless water heater upgrade eliminates this issue. As a result, everyone can have a relaxing shower without worrying about not having enough hot water stored.

2. Heats Water Faster

More often than not, traditional water tanks require you to wait a minute or two before getting in the shower because the water is still very cold. Of course, if you were on the third floor, you might have to wait longer. What about standing at the sink waiting to wash your hands?

Water Heater Plumber BlufftonSC

You may turn on the faucet when you get a tankless water heater upgrade and immediately have warm water. This kind of upgrade eliminates any waiting time because it heats the water as it travels through it.

3. Utility Bills Are Reduced

Instant hot water is not only convenient, but it is also beneficial. It helps to save money and resources. Refer to those water consumption figures: It is possible to waste up to two and a half liters of water every time you leave the shower running for one minute before getting into it.

Multiply that by the number of showers daily, then by the number of showers per month, and so on. Depending on the number of people that live in your house, you may easily use more than a thousand gallons of water each year or hundreds of dollars.

Eliminating waste by getting a tankless water heater upgrade saves both money and water in the long term.

4. Increased Capacity for Storage

Most inland homes have basements, which provide plenty of space for a large water heater to be installed. However, anyone near the coast knows that this is not always the case.

Because of the potential of floods, the first floor is the lowest level you can go. Crawl spaces are common in most homes, allowing you to maintain your bottom floor a few feet. To accommodate their water heater, homeowners must dedicate an entire storage closet to it. They also frequently make do with a smaller tank to save space.

On the other hand, a tankless water heater requires only a fraction of the area required by earlier types. Because it does not store water, it does not require all of the additional cubic feet. The average model is small enough to be placed against a wall above or alongside a washing machine or dryer without blocking the door.

Make the switch and get a tankless water heater upgrade. It doesn’t take up much space, and you’re also installing it on a wall that wouldn’t otherwise be used.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is It Possible To Retrofit An Old Heater With A Tankless Water Heater? 

An electric tankless water heater booster can increase the capacity of an existing water heater tank by more than 40%, increasing the amount of hot water supplied.

  • How Long Does A Tankless Water Heater Last?

With proper maintenance and operation, a tankless water heater can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years. A standard tank water heater, on the other hand, has a working life of 10 years or less.

  • Is It True That Tankless Water Heaters Are Less Likely To Leak?

While tankless water heaters have fewer issues than tank-style heaters, they can still develop leaks. The good news is that leaks from tankless water heaters are rarely as large or damaging as water tanks.

Water Heater Plumber

Get A Convenient Tankless Water Heater Upgrade

While using less electricity, a tankless water heater keeps your tap water at a steady temperature while also conserving energy. If you want a tankless water heater upgrade, BroadRiver Plumbing can ensure that you receive superior results. Look no further, because we have your back when it comes to all of your plumbing needs. Please contact us if you require further information.

Give BroadRiver Plumbing A Call Today At 843-271-6336!

BroadRiver Plumbing

 3047 Argent Blvd Unit #8, Okatie, SC 29936
