
Toilet Repair Services in Bluffton, SC

Toilet Repairs In Bluffton SC

Plumbing problems can be upsetting, caused by a clogged drain or toilet, a leaking flapper seal, or a faulty flush mechanism. Sometimes a plunger or homemade solution can dislodge the obstruction and temporarily restore wastewater flow.

On the other hand, plumbing issues can be extremely frightening if you don’t know what you’re doing. For example, suppose you don’t want to be held responsible for your home flooding, sewage overflowing your toilet, or other human waste-related disasters. If you live in Bluffton, you must call professional plumbing services for toilet repairs.

BroadRiver Plumbing provides 24/7 toilet repairs in Bluffton, South Carolina. Please get in touch with us right away!


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Five Warning Signs You Need Toilet Repairs

Here’s a list of common indicators that you need toilet repairs. Then, you can troubleshoot the issue and restore normal function to your toilet!

1. Ongoing and Persistent Leakage

Some toilet leaks are easy to fix, like flapper leaks. Simply replacing the flapper, which serves as the seal between your tank and bowl, is the easiest way to correct the problem. However, some toilet leaks need to be repaired by a professional. If water leaks from your toilet’s base, the wax seal that sits underneath it may be deteriorating, which would explain the problem. Cracks can appear in bathrooms at any time, and while they may begin as minor hairline cracks, they are capable of rapidly progressing into something much more severe. If you discover that your toilet leaks regularly or that the leaks are coming from the toilet’s base, it may be time to have the toilet repaired.

2. Frequent Clogs

It is not unusual for a toilet to become clogged once or twice, but once the clogs become more frequent, you may require a more powerful tool than a plunger to resolve the issue. Frequent clogging is most likely the result of a more stubborn clog within your plumbing, which may require help from a licensed plumber.

3. Difficulties with the Flushing

If you’re having problems flushing your toilet or flush it multiple times, you may need to have it repaired. Your bathroom operates ineffectively, causing you a significant amount of hassle. This problem can be fixed, but if you decide to replace your toilet completely, take a look at some of these models equipped with a flush that uses less water.

Toilet Repair Services in Bluffton,SC

4. Loose Toilet Handle

A toilet handle that is not securely fastened can also contribute to flushing issues. In addition, loose toilet handles have a greater risk of completely detaching, which can be inconvenient. If you find that the handle of your toilet frequently rattles or gets stuck, you should have it repaired immediately. 

5. Frequent Repairs? You Need A Replacement

Imagine that your toilet has required multiple repairs over the years and its age. It’s possible that a particularly needed stubborn clog, a new wax seal, an upgraded toilet handle, and a call to the plumber to be fixed. If you are spending a lot of money on so many repairs, it may be easier to replace your toilet than to continue repairing it simply. As a result, you will save money on repairs, and for the time being, you won’t have to worry about your toilet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Most Common Toilet Maintenance Issues? 

Here are some of the most common toilet maintenance issues:

The bowl drains slowly. Slow-emptying toilet bowls are a common issue for homeowners. Weak flushes occur when the holes under the bowl’s rim become clogged.

Water trickling from the tank with a hissing sound. In many cases, the hissing noise is caused by the supply, but it causes concern for some homeowners. The problem is usually caused by the float, refill tube, ballcock, or inlet valve in these cases.

Leaking seals expose homes to water damage. Seals on the fixture deteriorate over time. This causes varying degrees of water leakage. Several places on the toilet require seals, so there are several places to look for a leak.

The toilet is clogged. Clogs are common problems for homeowners, and they are a year-round issue in many homes. Clogged toilets are something no homeowner wants to deal with, but they continue due to poor toilet maintenance.

The water in the bowl is trickling. Some homeowners have issues with dripping water in the toilet bowl. A phantom flush occurs when a toilet refills without being flushed. After flushing, toilet bowls replenish the supply. When this happens, leaks from the tank enter the bowl. The bowl usually refills on its own due to a faulty flapper.

What Is the Cause of a Leaky Toilet?

A variety of factors can cause a leaky toilet. The most common are loose bolts, misaligned pipes and valves, and wax rings that do not seal properly. You should be able to determine where the water is leaking. In some cases, simply tightening the bolts or resealing a seal is sufficient to resolve the issue.

Look for cracks in the tank or toilet bowl where water could be seeping out. But if you’re having trouble finding where the leak is, color the water in the tank with food coloring. Then you’ll be able to see where the water is coming from.

What Is the Most Common Cause of a Toilet Leak?

The most common and difficult-to-detect toilet leak is caused by a defective flush valve (flapper) ball at the tank’s base. Water will leak into the bowl if the flapper or ball valve does not seat properly and form a watertight seal.

Toilet Repairs

Dependable Toilet Repair Services in Bluffton, SC

Problems with the toilet can be a nightmare in any home. Delays in resolving the issues and ineffective do-it-yourself repairs can aggravate the damage to the bathroom, bathroom floor, and other areas where clean or sewage water reaches. However, maintaining your toilet correctly, including repairing the interior components, can last for decades.

BroadRiver Plumbing offers superior toilet repairs in Bluffton, South Carolina, backed by exceptional customer service and excellent quality. We work diligently to preserve our outstanding reputation. We guarantee that the job will be performed accurately and at a reasonable cost.

Call BroadRiver Plumbing immediately for any toilet repair needs!

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Call BroadRiver Plumbing At 843-271-6336 Now !

BroadRiver Plumbing
3047 Argent Blvd Unit #8, Okatie, SC 29936